Our Family

Our Family

Welcome to my blog!

Every day is a new adventure, and though this blog won't capture it all at least you might get a glimpse of our crazy life...


A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for

Babies are a link between angels and man.

Children are a handful sometimes, A heartfull all the time.

Loving a baby is a circular business, a kind of feedback loop. The more you give the more you get and the more you get the more you feel like giving.
Penelope Leach

While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about.
Angela Schwindt

Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it.
Not your average dictionary

Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.
John W. Whitehead

You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back.
William D. Tammeus
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Friday, December 10, 2010

My Daughter

Peyton is such an amazing person and she is only 2 years old! She is definately a go-er from the moment she gets up until she falls asleep again. She is such a sweetheart! She loves her cartoons, especially Dora. Her favorite color changes by the day. Her favorite song right now is 'old mcdonald had a farm' and he always has a duck for some reason. She hates dressing up in anything "frilly" because it's "too scary". She hates getting dirty or sticky. She loves her daddy and I and when she tells us she says it with the sweetest little smile on her face while squinting her eyes and somehow she knows exactly when we need to hear it. She thinks the swingset in our backyard is a park. She's a very picky eater. She hates anything with red sauce, yet she could eat a whole tomato by herself and has on numerous occasions then asks for more. She can almost count to 20 in spanish. She's fine when we leave her with her aunts or grandparents, sometimes I feel like she doesn't want to come home. She still loves pajamas that have the feet on them. She knows how to work a cell phone better than I do and actually changed my facebook status the other day to a bunch of jibberish. She loves to show you that she can do things by herself, like putting her shoes on or taking her clothes off. She hates getting out of the bath. She doesn't like bows, headbands or hats on her head and you have to bribe her to keep them on, sometimes even that doesn't work. She is soo happy and cute first thing in the morning, but steer clear from her for about the first half hour after her nap. She says the most random things that will make you burst out laughing. She'd choose fruit over candy, but if you asked her what she wanted for breakfast she'd tell you "cheesy chips" or "spongebob soup" even though she never gets that in the morning. She has a pretty good memory and is very thoughtful. I didn't know having a daughter would be like this. She has her bad momments, but she overfills this hole in me that I didn't know I had and I could never imagine my life without her. Laughter fills our home everyday because of her and I love it!

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